Introduction to this document

Demand for better service

If you’ve had some work carried out and you’re unhappy with either the quality of the workmanship or the materials used, or perhaps both, use our letter to obtain redress from the supplier.


Sometimes things go wrong and often they’re not spotted until it’s too late. But it’s important to be aware that under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, suppliers are under a duty to carry out any job or service using reasonable skill and care - the level of skill and care demanded is that of the reasonably competent person carrying out that particular type of work. Likewise, any goods or materials supplied must comply with the Sale of Goods Act 1979, e.g. they must match their description, be of satisfactory quality and be fit for their purpose.


When you write your letter of complaint, stick to the point and don’t waffle. Quote dates, events and all the relevant details surrounding your complaint. It’s a good idea to take photographs and if the matter is complex, get an expert to prepare a detailed report which you can also enclose with your letter.

Make sure that in your letters you always set a deadline, e.g. seven or 14 days, for any response or course of action to be carried out by. Be realistic if you’re asking for compensation and ensure that you keep receipts of any expenditure incurred. By all means, claim for additional costs incurred in using someone else to put things right. However, do be aware that damages for stress can’t be claimed unless it actually becomes a recognised medical condition and not simply the result of exasperation over the job going wrong!