Introduction to this document

Fire risk assessment - small premises

If you have a small and straightforward premises, it should be relatively easy to write your own fire risk assessment. Our fire risk assessment - small premises will help.

DIY fire risk assessment

Writing a fire risk assessment can be a daunting prospect. However, for small and simple premises it should be perfectly feasible for a non-specialist to assess the fire risks. The government-produced form which has been designed for the purpose is really quite difficult to understand, so we’ve produced our own version which includes handy prompts and tips to help you through the process. 

What’s covered?

It includes the following sections:

An introductory page where you can describe the premises, the way it’s used, the number of staff and others using it, the means of escape and the neighbouring premises.

“Minimising the risk of a fire occurring” - where you can document the sources of ignition/heat, fuel and oxygen and explain how these are controlled.

“Minimising the risk to lie in the event of fire” - where you can document any special hazards and the precautions which will enable staff and others to safely escape.

An “Overall risk evaluation”; and

A section to be signed off by the assessor and responsible manager.