Introduction to this document

Accident - documents guidance

 To help your staff to identify which accident/incident form to complete, we have created a guidance document. What’s covered and how should you use it?

Record the facts

If there’s an accident, near miss or damage incident, it’s vital that you collect and record as much information as possible. Having the facts to hand can help you minimise any potential liability and reduce the likelihood of enforcement action being taken.

Not so simple

To help you record the pertinent information, we have created a suite of accident record forms. To the trained eye it’s obvious which form should be used and when. However, for less experienced staff, it could be confusing.

Document register

 The document lists four forms down the left-hand side of the table: (1) “Accident report form”, (2) “Accident - investigation report” (3) Accident - witness statement”, and (4) “Near miss report”. In the next column, “Description of the document”, we have included a very brief explanation of each form.

The detail

 In the third column “Instructions” we have added explicit instructions on how the form should be used. For example, for the accident report form, it states “Employers and employees should use this document to record details of work-related injuries for which state benefits could be payable.” The document also includes details about what should happen to the completed form.

Note. We’ve provided space for you to add details of who to return the completed forms to.