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Accident report form

Depending on the needs of your business, you may find that the standard accident book doesn’t fully meet your needs. If so, take a look at our form as it contains all the key information in one place.

Reporting accidents

Depending on the potential hazards found in your business, you may find that the standard accident book B1 510, doesn’t offer enough space, or allow you to record the type of information which you would like. You may also wish to cut down on the amount of times that you duplicate certain pieces of information, so consider using an Accident Report Form. Even though its completion will be subject to data protection requirements, it can be used in the same way as the conventional accident book. It also comes with Accident Report Form - Explanatory Notes, which provides information on what type of accident needs to be formally reported to the authorities.

Type of information

If you’re unfortunate enough to experience a more serious accident, you may need to collect witness statements. Our form contains enough space for the name and contact details of two witnesses to be taken. It also contains more space to put important information, such as whether or not the victim was an employee, contractor or visitor, and if they were sent to hospital. Another benefit of this form is that it will hopefully reduce the amount of paperwork needed to be completed. For example, it contains extra space to allow first aiders to provide information on what treatment they gave. This avoids the need for duplication with keeping a dedicated book for this purpose.