Introduction to this document

COSHH/DSEAR assessment - metalworking fluids

To comply with your legal duties as defined in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (as amended) 2002 (COSHH), if you use hazardous substances in your workplace, you must complete a risk assessment to identify how it should be used and stored safely.

The assessment

Although metalworking fluid actually reduces risks, i.e. it keeps materials cool when they’re being cut, because of the chemical make up of the product, it can cause ill-health. To ensure that those working with it are kept safe, you should follow the control measures listed on our COSHH/DSEAR Assessment. These include:

  • staff to follow the instructions and training given by the employer on safe systems of work when using metalworking fluids
  • splash guards, where provided, to be used
  • the production of mist and vapour to be minimised by controlling the volume and rate of delivery of the fluid to the cutting edge of the tool
  • enclosures or ventilation to be provided and to be used to remove or control any mist or vapour produced.