Introduction to this document

Safety training record

If you complete any safety training - including short toolbox talk style sessions - you must ensure that staff sign to confirm that they understand what they’ve been told.

Keep records

Our Safety Training Record details what you’ve done and when. Once completed, it will be very hard for the attendees to claim that they hadn’t had the training or understood what they were told. Use it to help convince an inspector that you’ve done what is required.

Make it clear to staff

Our document starts with the following statement:

“By signing this document you agree that you have attended the training course detailed below and fully understand the content. In addition, you’re aware that failure to adhere to the company’s health and safety arrangements, such as those covered during this training session, is a disciplinary offence.”

The document then asks the trainer to provide details of the course, the time and date of the training and its duration. Finally, there are boxes for the attendees to print their names in one column and sign in the other.