Introduction to this document

Consultation policy

All employers have a duty to consult with their staff on health and safety matters. Our policy provides a path through the somewhat confusing legislation.

The law

The legal requirement to consult with workers is well established. The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (SRSCR), which are still in force today, gave workers the right to appoint representatives. However, the SRSCR, only apply to organisations where there is a recognised trade union.

The rights of non-unionised workforces to be consulted on health and safety issues are set out in the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996.  

By using our Consultation Policy you can develop an approach which works in practice whether you consult directly with staff or via union or non-union representatives.

What’s covered?

Our policy includes a general statement; the legal position; method of consultation; staff representation; topics for consultation; and records.