Introduction to this document

Legionella management policy

Legionella bacteria grow in systems wherever water is stored or stagnates between 20ºC and 50ºC. The bacteria are spread in droplets which, when inhaled, can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal condition. Our legionella management policy will help you to set down your arrangements for preventing this rare but serious illness.

When you need the policy

If your hot water system is extremely simple, for example, on the scale of a small domestic system, you won’t need a detailed policy, just some straightforward procedures, such as flushing through outlets which aren’t regularly used. Where the hot water or cooling system is more complex and there’s a risk of water stagnating at temperatures in the danger zone (between 20ºC and 50ºC), then you’ll need this policy.

What’s covered?

The policy is in five sections:

  1. A general statement - which is a simple commitment to preventing the growth of legionella bacteria.
  2. Legal position - explaining the main legislation which applies and showing your commitment to applying the HSE’s Approved Code of Practice.
  3. Risk assessment and management arrangements - where you can set out the details of the risk control arrangements which are to be implemented, including the name of the responsible person.
  4. Routine testing and maintenance - for the purpose of completing the day-to-day responsibilities, such as temperature checks and cleaning.
  5. Records and reporting - which includes the commitment to keeping up-to-date maintenance logs, risk assessments and for making statutory reports.